Monday, February 10, 2020

Why Would You Decide to Use an Online Dating Site Factors That Lead to Article

Why Would You Decide to Use an Online Dating Site Factors That Lead to Online Dating - Article Example Online dating is a Computer-Mediated Communication (CMC). This paper seeks to conduct a study that would unearth factors contributing to online dating. Several significant studies have been conducted to determine factors leading to online dating. Kang and Hoffman based their analysis on a study conducted by Pew Internet and American Life Project. The model used by Pew Internet and American Life Project studied individuals from age bracket 18-95 years old, their level of education ranged from 1-7 years after high school. Additionally, 54.3 of the respondents were women. On the other hand, the study by Kang and Hoffman which sought to find out factors that predict usage of online dating and based hyperpersonal CMC as its theoritical framework, tested six variables; age, sex, education, trust, total number of tasks that a person does on the internet and perceived reliability of the internet. Results showed that several significant factors played fundamental roles in predicting the likelihood of an individual to use online dating module; Several literatures demonstrates trust as a significant factor in determining online dating. Honesty poses a major problem in the online dating realm since many individuals assume that others are giving inaccurate information about themselves. Kang and Hoffman argue that individuals who generally trust others may also trust those they meet through the internet. Sex factor is a determinant of online dating; results showed that women use online dating than men. Exposure to the internet also predicts internet usage, since determines the number of tasks an individual performs on the internet. For instance, graduate students respond with tremendous positive attitudes in creating online relationships than undergraduate students who comfortably use internet for other purposes.  

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